Beauty Of Youths Dreams
As we sit as children in wonder
We look at all that is around us
Happily and in awe there comes dreams
There might be a butterfly on a flower
A humming bird as it feeds from flowers
Wonderment fills our every fiber
Birds go fluttering by and we notice
When we listen we hear their distinct song
Beauty and joy is everywhere around us
Our spirits lift up into the sky and beyond
Maybe one day we will become pilots
And explore the world to our delight
As we see the distinct designs of nature
Our minds explode dreaming of being a designer
Of fine clothes, or building airplanes
As we age there should not be stopping of dreams
Take away our dreams, and hope disappears
So forever keep your dreams soaring high always
written by God
and Bobbie Wilson
To email me click on the pink roses
Created by God
and Bobbie Wilson