Dear Sweet Rachel
The first time our eyes met in church
You were heaven sent I knew for sure
Each Sunday you would greet me sweetly
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You clearly came to me you really cared for me
As a person that was growing old alone
Your greetings meant the world to me for sure
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The years passed and I watched you grow
Nothing was more important to you then
Your degrees in college prepared you for ministry
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You seemed so effortlessly to me how swift you learned
God's hand had chosen you so many years ago for service
You were a joy to watch. You were so inspired by your love of Jesus
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As you graduated and worked toward your goal for Jesus
Things were quite clear
HIS hand was on you and always would be
That does not mean you had a smooth road all the time
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Years have passed as you grew and bloomed on the mission field
Such a beautiful and devoted lady you are for Jesus
It is for sure
HE looks down on you and beams with love
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Each month now it is rewarding to get your mission news to us
How Blessed those individuals are to have you in service to them
Many lives have been blessed by you Dear Sweet Rachel
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From my heart and from many more hearts love flows to you
Know we are continually praying for you in your post
That our lives have been made brighter by you forever
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HIS love always surround you in peace and joy
Your health and strength may grow stronger each day for Him
HIS love and mine forever more MS Bobbie
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Created by God
and Bobbie Wilson
June 8, 2012
To email me click on the blue cross