The Lord and I Pray you Will Find Comfort In This Place
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The Lord Is My Lighthouse
The Lord is my lighthouse and my rescue ship,
what storm can terrify me?
The Lord is the anchor of my life,
what person or circumstance can make me panic?
When bad things happen that would snatch away my peace of mind,
strip me of self-respect, or rob me of health,
they all fail miserably.
Though an entire army of problems closes in on me,
my inner being is calm.
Though the whole world declares war against me,
I still have confidence.
There is one request that I have made of the Lord,
it is the longing of my heart, that I may live in His presence continually.
That I may see with my own eyes His indescribable glory,
and loveliness, and that I may come to know Him better and better.
Then when bad things come, they won't bother me
because the Lord Himself will be my haven.
He will lift me above my problems.
At last I will triumph over all the old fears and doubts,
that have defeated me for so long.
I will burst into songs to praise to the Lord.
I will tell everyone I meet how good God is !
A meditation based on Psalm 27: 1-7
You can email me by clicking on the cross !